
"Frequently Asked Questions"
My mobile phone is supported by MegaCell?
You can find the list of supported mobile phones here.

Which seial port I must select from the connection window? The seriale port to select from the popup menu depends from
the type of connection that you have adopted between the Mac and the
  • in case of Bluetooth connection the serial port to choose is "Bluetooth-Modem"
  • in case of infrared connection the serial port to choose must start with the "IrDA" word
  • in case of cable connection the serial port to choose would have to appear
  • in the popup menu. If it doesn't appear, probably has not been installed the appropriated driver.
Se provo a collegarmi tramite Bluetooth ricevo il messaggio: "La porta seriale selezionata è occupata o non è disponibile!", cosa posso fare?
Probably you haven't checked the option "Access the Internet with your phone's data connection" during the pairing of the phone. Therefore you need to set up again the Bluetooth device using Bluetooth control panel or using the command "Set up Bluetooth Device..." from the Bluetooth menu.
The options for iSync and Addresses Book aren't necessary in order to work with MegaCell therefore the program works however if they are disabled or they cannot be activated. Once activated the option in order to access the Internet, proceeding in the set up of the device, will come asked to insert the parameters to access the Internet, they can be avoided to compile these fields beacouse they aren't necessary in order to work with MegaCell.
If the error message persists probably you are trying to use the same Bluetooth device at the same time with more applications like the Apple AddressBook.
If you want to use more programs with the same Bluetooth device you need to create a peronalized serial port (see next faq).

How I can configure piAccessLink and MegaCellX?
Read this page from the piAccess Link website.